Software Licensing and what it means for you

Managing your licenses appropriately is becoming increasingly important for many businesses and here at Quadra we are regularly encountering customer enquiries about software licensing. So here’s a quick guide for what to look out for.


Ensuring your software is fit for purpose

Is your software operating within the confines of its license agreement?

Is the software…

  • Modified or hacked;
  • Keys or accounts copied or sold;
  • Conforming to the licensing terms of use;
  • Copied or used on more computers than authorised by its license.

Only genuine, legally licensed software is warranted. In almost all cases we encounter, the infringements are unintentional or without knowledge of breaches of the license agreement. The cause of the issue can be as simple as not removing trial versions of software or using the wrong serial number during the installation.



What actions should I take?

In the past, customers have received a formal communication explaining that they were suspected of licence misuse. Licence verification is carried out by performing a sweep of your network, producing a report on any products installed. If there are any areas of concern, the customer is required to put remedial measures in place which can include purchasing additional product subscriptions.

Due to the way in which software has been authorised or the status of either their maintenance and subscription contracts, software providers can now track when there are infringements. They will contact you directly by email, listing the infringements and the actions that need to be taken.

If you have received one of these emails, contact Quadra firstly to verify the legitimacy of the email and secondly to consider what options are available to you.

Need to check your licensing status?

If you have any concerns about your licensing status, then again contact Quadra asap.  We can help discuss options to ensure your software and hardware is all present and correct.

For more information about software licensing click here

More about Quadra Solutions

Quadra Solutions provide Autodesk Design software solutions for the Construction and Manufacturing industries. InventorRevitAutoCAD Collections and Vault software helps our customers design, visualise, innovate and implement Building Information Modelling (BIM) solutions.

For more information please contact us today!

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